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The relationship between the girl and the young

Written By abidaro on الجمعة، 20 يناير 2012 | 5:41 م

Divided into the relationship between the girl and her strange young man into three sections: Section I is the relationship required by work or participate in any noble project. The second section is the relationship that used to be called the relationship innocent or noble, which is based on fellowship or friendship Section III on the relationship of love between a young girl.

1 - collegial relationship between the sexes
The encounter between the men and women in itself is not forbidden, it is permissible or required if the intent of participating in a noble goal, it is beneficial knowledge or a good deed, or a project is good, or jihad is necessary, or otherwise, which requires the concerted efforts of both sexes, and requires joint collaboration between them in the planning, direction and Execution.
This does not mean that melt the border between them, and forget the constraints legitimate control for every meeting between the parties, and alleged the people they are angels Mtehron not afraid of them and they, they want to pass on community west us, but to be in that is to participate in the good, and cooperation in righteousness and piety, in the part of the border drawn by Islam, including:
1 - commitment to lower the gaze of the two teams, there is seen to look at, is not seen with desire, do not prolong the consideration is needed, he says: "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that is purer for them that Allah is Aware of what they do and say to the believing women to lower their gaze and Ihfezn them has. "
2 - the commitment of the women wearing Islamic dress in modest, which covers the body except the face and hands, it does not describe nor heal, he says: "not to reveal their adornment except that which is apparent and stamp their necks and bosoms."
3 - Muslim politely commitment in everything, especially in dealing with men:
A - to speak, so that it is away from temptation and excitement, and the Almighty said: (not soft, saying that tempt the heart is a disease of hypocrisy).
B - in the walk, as he says: (not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment), and be like those described by God in his words: (suddenness, one walk timidly).
C - in the movement, do not break down or swaying, like those who portray women and the Hadith (b Almmalat maa'ilaat) shall not be issued by it to be the type of ignorance adorned or last.
4 - to avoid all that would raise the lure of the aromatic scents, colors and decorations that should not be home for the road not to meet men.
5 - beware of the man to be alone with a woman and not forbidden them, have discouraged talk right about that, and said: (The third was the devil), as may not be cleared between the fire and the wood.
6 - to be meeting within the limits imposed by the need, and dictated by the joint action without extravagance or the expansion of women out Aftrtha female, or offered for gossip, or impairs the sacred duty in the care of the house and raising the next generation. "

2 - the friendship between the sexes
Defines friendship as the need for a social relationship where communication and Altbazl and visits and the dedication and cooperation, consultation and Alambatth concerns and hopes, and this type of relationship urged by Islam in the framework of the so-called brotherhood of Islamic, based on well-chosen friend, we need a friend who strengthens our faith, and increases in our knowledge and Anasserna to say and do good and right, and forbade us to say and do falsehood and evil, and defend us in the presence and absence, and assist us in need and distress, so it was said: "One on the religion of his friend so let one of you Akhall."
Friendship permission, "was held and the Charter of brothers and espouse and Tbazl, increasing with time, experience and relevance, and not a game we're going for entertainment, and if Mellnaha we left as it happens with friendship in the concept of contemporary Valsaddaqat today in many models of marginal superficial aimed at fun and chatter and the hills and spend the time, it friendships and fellowship together quickly and Tnfrt quickly .. had collected old .. or school, or camp, or the club, and he separated: small differences in opinion or polemic of words, or a dispute over a girl, or squib, or deception, or succumb to the rhythm of a third party .. and so on.
Speaking scholars and writers of friendship as one of the reasons is pleased by the human in his life, because it is not indispensable, as it is civil by nature, and who elaborated to clarify that Abu Hasan al-Basri, in his book "Literature of life and religion," he said: "The causes of intimacy five are: religion The descent and intermarriage, love and righteousness, "and spoke of the friendship which he described the Canadian said," man is the friend you but someone else. "
And selection based upon the mind continued good friend, and a religion that promotes good, and good morals, must be among the righteous desire and affection. If this was the ethics of friendship between the same sex, does the friendship between the sexes in this way.

Friendship between the sexes
The phenomenon of friendship between the sexes are invading our communities as a result of the invasion of social and intellectual western that Fasht where these friendships Vkther use of the terms friendly male (Boy Friend) and friendly female (Girl Friend), which does not reflect the relationship of friendship is innocent, but is having an affair feverish, or a sexual relationship directly.
We are trying to raise these issues to carry out this issue, in order to understand the meaning of a friendship between the sexes, and ask: Is what is meant by the word friendship and a normal relationship between a man and a woman, just as is the relationship between man and man and between woman and woman in the affairs of the conversation, and in the affairs of the lesson , and in the affairs of public social life?
Is the meaning of friendship is a relationship based on mutual understanding and respect, which are governed by the two parties need to meet for the issues of intellectual or social or political? If what is meant is this, the reservations that can Nstouhaha from some Islamic moral atmosphere, and some of the provisions of Islamic centered on two points:
The first point: is that the nature of this friendship that we want to turn into the atmosphere naturally from the meeting, and to be together, you may expect the two parties in some of the problems of legitimacy, and that this friendship can not be naturally away from the decade experienced by the parties, the only deviation from the line some of the provisions of Islamic Sharia.
The second point is that the nature of diversity among men and women can not be adjusted when the natural boundaries of friendship, because friendship is a case of certain emotional feelings rise the deeper the intimacy, the more you felt lonely more parties. It is natural instinct that will express itself in this case, one way or another, though ignored by the parties, but they accumulate in the feelings and sensations, to arrive at the end of the day to the explosion in one way or another.
We focus on this understanding of the Conservatives for the friendship between the sexes, through Astahna for many of the conversations, including the talk: "What he met a man and a woman only, and Satan was the third one present," This hadeeth confirms that the nature of the meeting individual making the two parties face to face with the question of the sensations of which stem from the through diversity, and through the attraction of each type to the other type.
Even if they started this relationship is innocent in the beginning but they soon change and evolve to what is more, that is, to love and desire in the pairing, and even if you did not reach this level, the intimacy of the sexes does not make them similar to the relationship within the same sex, says the Messenger of Allah upon him: "What indeed gone a man and a woman only, and Satan came the third one present," and the entry of the devil be including Aouhah them of attraction emotional and sexual, may start the whispers, but he may not end, because the large number of meeting and Mixing between the young and the girl irritating emotions and driven to evil .. In a U.S. study found that about 47% of rape victims in America were victims of rape to their friends! And about twenty percent were victims of rape, relatives and family friends, in other words: Seventy per cent of girls were victims of a relationship of "innocent".
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